Sunday, November 25, 2007

Lenin in Gaborone

9.00 - 10.15 Understanding the system: How capitalism works
10.30 - 11.45 Maintaining the status quo: The roots of reformism
12.00 - 13.15 Thinking beyond: What is socialism?
14.15 - 15.30 Talking ‘bout revolution: National democratic revolution or
socialist revolution?
15.45 - 17.00 Against oppression: Women’s liberation today
17.15 - 17.45 Building the party: Why you should join the

Marxism 2007
A day school for activists
Organised by: International Socialists Botswana
Postal to: P.O. Box 601519 Gaborone or Phone 72875223 or e-mail:

Towards victory in 2009!
1. Free education - Thuto e e sa duelelweng
2. Free health care – Bongaka jo bo sa duelelweng
3. Free child care – Tlhokomelo ya bana e e sa duelelweng
4. Right to decent housing – Tshwanelo ya bonno jo bo nametsang
5. Living wage and worker’s rights – Dituelo tse di tsamaelanang le matshelo a setho le ditshwanelo tsa babereki
6. Social security not military security – Madi mo tokafatsong ya matshelo ka kakaretso eseng sesole
7. Access to water and electricity – Go nna le metsi le motlakase
8. More jobs and no privatisation – Koketso ya ditiro eseng thekiso ya dikompone
9. Equality of ethnic groups – Tekatekano ya merafhe
10. Respect for human rights – Go tlotla ditshwanelo tsa setho

Open to all

Sat 8 December 2007
9am, Tsholofelo Primary School, Gaborone - North

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Trotsky in Harare

1997 – 2007: Crisis in Zimbabwe - An Audit of 10 Years of Struggle against Neoliberal Capitalism & Dictatorship

At ZimRights House, Cnr Baines Ave/ Fourth St. Harare

08:30-09:30 Opening Plenary Rally:
Capitalism, Neo-liberalism, Social Democracy and Parliamentary Reformism in crisis –Another Africa, Another World is Possible – Jambanja Ndizvo! Fight for socialism
[Speakers from ISO; Zambia, South Africa, Botswana, Ghana and Zimbabwe]

09:40-11: 20 - Cluster Forums: Towards the WSF Global Day of Action 26 January 2008
(i)Health & Disability Forum: 10 years of Struggle for Access to Treatment, ARV Drugs and Disability Benefits in the face of Neo-Liberalism, Capitalism & Dictatorship [Speakers from AIDS Support Groups, ZNPP+, trade unions & ISO ]
(ii) Labour Forum: 1996 – 2007: A Decade of Struggle for a Living Wage and Re-building the Trade Union movement under ESAP and Dictatorship
[Speakers from printing, medical, electronics, civil service, teaching, food, commercial, clothing, communications & engineering unions & ISO ]
(iii) Traders Forum: A decade of struggle for the right to trade in Zimbabwe and in SADC in the context of ESAP, Operation Murambatsvina, EPAS and Neoliberalism
[Speakers from traders, CBOs, LEDRIZ, SA, Zambia, ZIMCODD, & ISO]
(iv) Residents and Social Services Forum: A Decade of struggle for housing, social service and democratic local governance [Speakers from CHRA, CHIRA, SA & ISO]
(v) Youths Forum: 10 Years of struggle against Privatisation of Education & Dictatorship
(Speakers from ZYM, ZINASU, UHURU, Young Socialists and ISO)
(vi) Governance & Constitutionalism Forum: MDC-ZANU (PF) Talks and the 2008 Elections: Will they end the Zimbabwe crisis – Towards the Peoples Convention
[Speakers from:- NCA, WOZA, Crisis, Byo Agenda, ZimRights, ZCTU, SA & ISO]

11: 30 -13: 00 Plenaries on Privatisation, Neoliberalism and Capitalism
(i) Towards 26 January 2008 – the WSF Global Day of Action Against Neoliberalism, War and Capitalism: Cluster Report Backs
(ii) Understanding the system: What is neoliberalism and capitalism and why they are in crisis [Speakers from ZSF, SA, Botswana and ISO]

(i) Crisis in Zimbabwe: Our struggles, our movements and our tears:1997 -2007
An audit of the struggles of the MDC, Civic Society, Labour, Women and the Socialist movements in the fight against Dictatorship and the Way Forward into 2008.
[Speakers from MDC, NCA, WOZA, ZCTU, ZSF, SA and ISO]
(ii) The 1917 Russian Bolshevik Revolution: How Capitalism was overthrown by working people and how the Socialist Revolution was subsequently defeated.
[Speakers from SA, Botswana & ISO]

15:45 -17:00
(i) Struggles against Neo-liberalism & Capitalism and for Socialism: Lessons from Latin America – Venezuela, Bolivia and Brazil
(ii)Alternatives to neoliberalism and capitalism: What is socialism and communism
(iiii) Gender Forum: 1996 – 2007: A decade of struggle for women’s liberation against Patriachy, Neoliberalism and Dictatorship.
[Speakers from ZSF, WOZA, Women’s Coalition, PADARE, ZCTU WAC & ISO]

17:00 -17:45
Closing Rally: Way forward : Building the revolutionary socialist party and the anti-neoliberal/anti-capitalist united front.[Speakers from Botswana, SA, ZSF, ZCTU ISO]
Singing of working people’s international anthem – The Internationale

18:00 – 20:00 Resistance Arts and Culture Festival + Cash Bar

Smash Capitalism! Penga Murombo! Qina Sisebenzi! Jambanja Ndizvo!
Viva Socialism! Varombo kuvarombo! Vapfumi kuvapfumi!

Organised by International Socialist Organisation in partnership with trade unions, civic groups and social movements. : 263 (4) 704209; E-mail ; Cell 0912908847
Buy your Ticket Now: $150 000: Creche & Subsidised lunch and drinks available

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Marx in Soweto

Marx in Soweto day
From resistance to revolution
Saturday, 1 December
Careers centre,
Organized by Soweto electricity crisis committee, Socialist Group and Keep Left
Call 082-332-9874, 083-293-7691 for more info

Session 1
Time: 9:15-10:45
Introduction and Welcome to the Day’s Events.

Marx In Soweto: From Resistance to Revolution.

90 Years Celebration of the Russian Revolution and all Struggle Against Exploitation and Oppression the World Over.’
Speaker: Alan

Session 2 A (Parallel Talk)
Time: 11:00-12:30

Why do we need socialism?
Speaker: Tebogo
Session 2 B
Time: 11:00-12:30
Is the SACP the alternative?
Speaker: Trevor Ngwane

Session 2 C (Parallel)
Time: 11:00-12:30
How profit is threatening the future of our whole world: the roots of global warming and destruction to our environment
Speaker: Siphiwe and Tebza

Time: 12:30-13:30
Session 3 A
Time: 13:30-15:00
Challenge to Mbeki: what next?
The rebirth of strikes and community uprisings.
Speaker: Clare Ceruti

Session 3 B (Parallel)
Time: 13:30-15:00
Beyond the succession debate: what kind of party do we need?
Speaker: John Grossman

Session 3 C
Time: 13:30-15:00
How capitalism distorts our sexuality
Speaker: Mosa Phadi

Session 4 (Final Session)
Time: 15:15-17:00

From Resistance to Revolution:
Panel of speakers involved in day to day struggle for our world to win
Speakers from Kliptown, Protea South, Thembalihle, Tsakane, Public sector strike, motor workers strike, and OKM councillor

People First Profit Never!